

 これまで個人プランのサブスクリプション購入はiOSアプリを用いてApp Store経由で支払っていた。その場合、プラン変更公式ヘルプページに記載されている方法である、ウェブページのサイドバーに家族プランへ変更するための「招待」ボタンが表示されずプランの変更ができなかった。また、App Storeのアカウントからアクセスできるサブスクリプション変更の選択肢にも個人プランの「月額払い」と「年額払い」変更の選択肢しかなく、家族プランへの変更はできなかった。




  1. 公式問合せフォームからサポートに変更したい旨を連絡
  2. サポートからのメールの指示通り、App Storeの1Passwordサブスクリプション購入を停止
  3. サブスクリプション購入停止を完了した旨とApp Store支払いの領収書をメールでサポートに送信(私はApp Storeの支払い履歴のスクリーンショットを送った)
  4. サポートがキャンセル確認し、残期間の差額返金処理を完了
  5. ウェブページのサイドバーに「招待」が表示されので、そこから新たに家族プランとしてサブスクリプション購入

If you started your subscription with an in-app purchase, you won't see the option to invite people. For help upgrading your account, contact 1Password Support.
“ もしアプリ内購入でサブスクリプションを開始した場合、ユーザーを招待するオプションは表示されません。 アカウントのアップグレードについては、1Passwordサポートにお問い合わせください。”


 I already have a personal account.  However, I want to change my personal account to a family account. Payments are made from the App Store.
 What should I do?
【サポート】 (2020/1/4 00:59) 
Hey there! 👋
Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
If you want to upgrade to 1Password Families, you can do that in a browser.
  1. Sign in to your account on 1Password.com.
  2. Click Invite People in the sidebar and choose Upgrade to a Family Account.
  3. Enter a name for your family account and click Upgrade Account.
After you've upgraded to a family account, learn how to share passwords in 1Password Families.
If you started your subscription using an in-app purchase on your Apple or Android device, or if you're still having trouble, reply to this message. One of my human friends will get back to you as soon as possible.
BitBot, and the entire 1Password team ❤️🇨🇦
【私】(2020/1/4 01:05)
I started my subscription using an in-app purchase on my Apple device.
What should I do?
【サポート】 (2020/1/4 01:34)
Hey there 👋,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us here at 1Password.
I'm thrilled to hear that you're looking to convert to a Families account. I have one myself and I honestly cannot live without it. In order to convert your account, you'll need to cancel your iTunes subscription (which will not affect your data) by doing the following:
  1. Open the App Store on your iOS device
  1. Tap your profile picture in the upper right (it may be a person icon if you don't have a picture associated with your Apple ID)
  1. Tap Manage Subscriptions
If you aren't running the latest operating system on your iOS device you can also follow these instructions: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039
Once canceled, please send me a receipt for what you paid Apple and I'd be happy to issue you a credit for any unused time and give you the instructions to convert your account.
First Responder at 1Password
【私】 (2020/1/4 02:04)
Thank you for correspondence.

I have followed the instructions and canceled my subscription.
But I don't know which receipt, so I will send you a screenshot of the payment history and cancellation screen. (it's Japanese.  Let me know if you have any problems)
【サポート】 (2020/1/5 10:33)
Thank you so much for sending that over and I've given you a credit for what you paid Apple.
I've also gone ahead and marked your iTunes subscription as canceled so you can now convert your account by doing the following:
  1. Log into your account at https://my.1password.com
  1. Click on "Invite People..." on the right
  1. Click "Upgrade to a Family Account"
Be sure to check out our guide on using 1Password Families (https://support.1password.com/explore/families/) and let me know if you have any questions. To manage your billing and choose our annual plan you can click on the Billing tab online at https://my.1password.com.

